“You’re Legit”

Someone said that to me today and I know what he meant, but it got me thinking.

To give background information… I’m really busy. I need to have a good reason to give you the time that I don’t have and sometimes thats harder for some people than others especially if we haven’t really hung out before. I feel bad about that, but I like to be busy and constantly working or doing school related things because I know it will pay off.

Anyways, theres this guy who I told I was busy before and then he invited me to church and I was like SURE! So we go to church together this morning and I pull out my journal and he asks if I’m taking notes. I say yes and he responds with, “you’re legit.”

I am legit. Yes. I am not just sitting here for no reason, I want to hear what the pastor is saying and consider it in context of my life…and remember it tomorrow. I know that he said it kind of jokingly, but really what does that mean?

The sermon today talked about what it means to be a man and not just have the title attached to your name. This can apply to anyone really. Just because you have the title of “father, supervisor, leader, etc.” means nothing. The idea of this title goes hand in hand with hypocrisy. Just a little bit of hypocrisy is enough to explode and take over your life.

So, thinking about this idea of hypocrisy and that phrase, “you’re legit,” it makes me wonder about the authenticity of people.

Are you being authentic with others? More importantly, are you being authentic with yourself?

Flatirons church is amazing. They are probably the biggest church in the state as well. (as far as I know). They have at least 4 services each weekend and every one is packed. It was like going to a broncos game today because of how many people were there and wearing orange.

Anyways, if you’re wasting time reading my blog, you should waste time watching one of the flatirons videos online! You’re not going to regret it. http://www.flatironschurch.com/messages/